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Committed to Maintaining the Safety and 

Communication Between Families

Providing Assistance to Parents, 

 Private Agencies, and Family Courts 

 The center in Anderson, Indiana, which opened on July 6, 2020, offers the following services to the Madison County community, and surrounding areas:

Supervised Visitation Services for Parents:

The cost is a flat rate fee of $75.00 per hour.

We honor all Court orders and we can not change court orders.

If parents participate in the nurturing parenting curriculum before/during or after their visitation then parents could request payment of visitation through court's ADR plan. Ask your intake specialist additional questions on that topic if interested.

Safe Child Transport/Parenting Exchanges

Trained Supervised Visitation staff can transport children in cases where a parent cannot do transport or the court orders a third party transport to ensure parents have visitation with his or her child/children.

Also, the Family Solution Center will offer safe parenting exchanges in those cases involving high conflict parents. Trained Supervised Visitation staff will supervise exchanges between the parents either at a designated location of the parents’ choice or onsite at the Family Solution Center. 

Guardian Ad Litem Services

Certified Guardian Ad Litem Services to represent the best interest of the child in regards to initial custody, modification custody, guardianship, parenting time, and other related matters as ordered by the Court. The Family Solution Center will guarantee that reports are completed within sixty (60) days from the date of appointment unless a request for an extension of time is filed and approved by the court.

Mediation/Facilitation Services

The Family Solution Center will offer mediation/facilitation services by a certified registered mediator by the state of Indiana. Mediation or Facilitation can be conducted in person or via zoom, video conferencing. 

Co-Parenting Education

We offer an interactive co-parenting class that provides real life applying tools in co-parenting disputes. The Course utilize the Active Parenting Course along with some lessons from Trauma Based Relational Interventions (TBRI). Parents are participate in a parenting assessment to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. From their, the parents participate in education on effective communication, childhood development, trauma-based education, and other related information. Then parents are placed in real life situations that arise and allow the parents to demonstrate what their response is. The parents are asked to demonstrate responses and then guided through the situation by a trained social worker/mental health professional. There will be opportunity to interact with couples that do successfully co-parent and see what works and does not work with them. 


Supervised Visitation Services:

  • Initial Intake, $50.00

  • Supervised Visitation, $75 an hour.

  • We would suggest that payment of this service be divided between the parents/custodians/guardians pursuant to the percentages delineated on child support worksheet so as to eliminate the concern by either parent that the supervisor of the visitation is biased towards one parent or the other due to payment. 

Cost is $690.00, includes legal fees, filing fees and postage fees. Call to see if you qualify or obtain more information about the clinic. 

Safe Child Transport/Parenting Exchanges

  • Initial Intake, $50.00

  • Transport, $30.00 per transport

  • Supervised Parenting Exchanges, $20.00 per parent/custodian/guardian

Guardian Ad Litem

  • $90.00 an hour or an amount designated by the court

Co-Parenting Education

Mediation/Facilitation Services

 The Cost: $20.00 per session, per parent. The class lasts approximately 10 weeks. Parents are asked to make every attempt to enter the class together. People achieve better outcomes when they participate together with the goal of co-parenting and building happy, health children/adults.

  • Initial Intake, $50.00

  • Court Ordered Facilitation services for pro se individuals, $100.00 an hour

  • Private Pay Mediation, $150.00 an hour to be divided by parties or court ordered distribution.

Expungement Clinic

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